Within the MEAN4SG project framework, dedicated webinar sessions will be organized starting next Wednesday the 11th.
During these sessions, the project researchers will explain the development of their investigations and how MEAN4SG has served as a transversal platform to boost added value to the metrology field.
MEAN4SG (Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids) is an ITN H2020 project funded with 2.8 million euros by the European Commission within the framework of the action Marie Sklodowska -Curie and led by Fundación CIRCE from Spain.
Thanks to this project, eleven researchers from six nations are developing their doctoral theses to meet the scientific challenges and technological s that faces the metrology of electrical networks.
The webinar sessions will be hold in Webex during September and October (see agenda below). Moreover, the last session on October the 10th will count with presentations from the University of Genova and Cagliari during a dedicated workshop on Electric System Modelling led by ENEL.
- Group PQ – Power Quality: September, Wednesday the 11th :
i. Stefano Lodetti [10:30] – New power quality issues related to smart grid
ii. Stanislav Babaev [11:00] – Transfer of Power Quality Disturbances through Distribution Networks
iii. Deepak Amaripadath [11:30] – Development of Tools for Accurate Study of Supraharmonic Emissions in Smart Grids
- Group PM/MM – Phasor Measurement Units applications & Smart Grids Modelling and Management: September, Friday the 20th:
i. Yljon Seferi [10:30] – Design, build, implement and test hardware system chains for PMUs, ROCOF, Power Quality and Metering as metrology systems including accurate time-stamping and reference to UTC.
ii. Ravi Shankar [11:00] – Measurement-Based Modelling and Monitoring of Distribution Networks
iii. Natalia Christoforou [11:30] – Metrology for energy forecasting on domestic installations with Renewable Energy Systems
- Group SC – Smart Cable Diagnosis: September, Monday the 23rd:
i. Sonia Barrios [10:30] – Recognition of partial discharge sources in distribution network with deep neural networks.
iii. Saliha Madhar [11:30] – Smart Grid DC Power Lines: Predictive Maintenance and Fault Location through Partial Discharge Analysis
- Workshop on Electric System Modelling led by ENEL: October, Thursday the 10th:
i. Jibran Ali [10:00] – Virtual Power Plant for Distributed Generation Management
ii. Nayeem Choudhury [10:30] – Developing an optimization tool for locating and sizing of storage in the transmission systems in uncertain domain for the presence of wind, solar and active demand.
iii. Presentations from University of Genova and Cagliari – [11:00]
Willing to join the webinar session? Contact Breogan Sanchez (bmsanchez@fcirce.es)