
MEAN4SG ends and its researchers break into the industry!

MEAN4SG has managed to forge a collaborative network that has resulted in the transfer of results in the business sector and the creation of up to 60 publications in journals, magazines and conferences. The needs and tools to address the paradigm shift of the electrical system has been materialized in MEAN4SG (Metrology Excellence Academic Network [...]

2020-03-24T10:03:52+00:00 21/02/2020|

The MEAN4SG dedicated webinar sessions are about to start

Within the MEAN4SG project framework, dedicated webinar sessions will be organized starting next Wednesday the 11th. During these sessions, the project researchers will explain the development of their investigations and how MEAN4SG has served as a transversal platform to boost added value to the metrology field. MEAN4SG (Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids) is [...]

2020-03-24T11:39:21+00:00 04/09/2019|

MEAN4SG researchers visit the High Voltage facilities of LCOE in Madrid

Within the MEAN4SG project framework, most of the fellows are explaining their researches within CIRED2019, the 25th international conference and exhibition on electricity distribution. CIRED has been chosen as good scenario to promote MEAN4SG and the researchers’ investigation as this event holds the major International Electricity Conference & Exhibition every two years in different venues [...]

2020-03-24T10:06:05+00:00 05/06/2019|

MEAN4SG Project appears in FuturEnergy

MEAN4SG is training 11 young researchers in the field of Smart Grids to increase the number of staff on this topic of smart grids in the face of a deployment that is intended to be carried out at a European level. An article recently published in FuturEnergy is available at the bottom of this page, [...]

2020-06-16T14:01:35+00:00 16/01/2019|

MEAN4SG organizes a new meeting to celebrate the 3rd Supervisory Board and Summer School

The project partner Ormazabal hosted a new meeting of the MEAN4SG consortium at their facilities of the Boroa Industrial Park (Spain). The event, that took place between 19th and 21st of June, gathered representatives of each partner entity and all the Early Stage Researchers (ESR). This way, it was possible to celebrate both the 3rd [...]

2018-07-20T08:12:18+00:00 20/07/2018|

Partners and students keep pushing forward MEAN4SG to improve the Smart Grids sector

MEAN4SG partners gathered recently for a new Project meeting. The 2nd Supervisory Board was hosted by the University of Strathclyde in the city of Glasgow (Scotland). The meeting was held together with the 2nd specific course of the project. A three-days course to improve the skills, both technical and non-technical, of the students. This [...]

2017-06-21T09:29:11+00:00 21/06/2017|

The MEAN4SG PhD students meet for the first time during the 1st specific course

The project partners gathered last week in Zaragoza (Spain) to attend one of the first main meetings of MEAN4SG. CIRCE, project coordinator, hosted at his facilities a 3-day event that covered the first Training Committee meeting and the first Specific Course. The PhD students that have recently joined the project also traveled to Zaragoza [...]

2017-05-26T07:50:34+00:00 06/02/2017|

Eleven doctoral theses will contribute to European research on smart grids

MEAN4SG is a European project encompassing R&D centres, universities and companies that specialise in the electric metrology sector, forming a tightly woven network for scientific collaboration The aim of the project is to contribute towards tearing down the technological barriers in the electric sector and meeting the growing demand for qualified personnel   This week, [...]

2017-05-26T07:50:34+00:00 22/03/2016|