The overall MEAN4SG research programme tackles the main research challenges in the smart grids metrology field identified by the European R&D community: a) power quality analysis, b) smart grids modelling and management, c) advanced monitoring through Phasor Measurement Units applications, and d) smart cable diagnosis.
Smart Grids: Power Quality Analysis (WP3)
"Measurement and Analysis of Supraharmonic Emissions in Smart Grids". Deepak Amaripadath, Robin Roche, Loic Joseph-Auguste, Daniela Istrate, Dominique Fortune, Jean-Pierre Braun, Fei Gao (2019 54th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC)) [Repository Link:] "Design of a versatile waveform platform for supraharmonic testing and calibration". D. Amaripadath, R. Roche, J.P. Braun, L. Joseph-Auguste, D. [...]