//MEAN4SG ends and its researchers break into the industry!

MEAN4SG has managed to forge a collaborative network that has resulted in the transfer of results in the business sector and the creation of up to 60 publications in journals, magazines and conferences.

The needs and tools to address the paradigm shift of the electrical system has been materialized in MEAN4SG (Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids) a H2020 project funded with 2.8 million euros by the European Commission within the framework of the action Marie Sklodowska -Curie and led by Fundación CIRCE from Spain.

In this framework, 11 researchers from six nations have developed their doctoral theses to meet the technological and scientific challenges and facing the metrology of electrical networks providing an added value to the business fabric of the sector.

The project and its researchers have served as a basis for developing innovative solutions applied to the industry.

MEAN4SG will conclude at the end of February, after 3.5 years of intense work, cooperation, and promotion of the investigations, connecting young researchers with leading organizations in the sector.

2020-03-24T10:03:52+00:00 21/02/2020|