PQ Measurements and Propagation in Distribution Grids
Stanislav Babaev’s research focused on the propagation of harmonic distortion through distribution networks, involving the modelling of the harmonic emission of non-linear devices, the frequency response of the network components – and in particular the uncertainty of their modelling, and the simulation of the impact of multiple harmonic sources on the voltage distortion on every busbar within a distribution network.
In this sense, his main contribution on the scope of MEAN4SG is the application of synchronised Power Quality measurements, and in particular the requirements for time-synchronisation between multiple meters to achieve impedance estimation for a wide frequency range. This work resulted also in a laboratory setup for synchronised waveform recording which enables efficient harmonic observability.
The researcher has studied the propagation phenomenon of harmonics in distribution systems. The work is the combination of theoretical studies, experimental tests in laboratory and field, simulations and mathematical modelling.
The core of the research study is utilization of data acquisition systems installed at the different points of power network and synchronized to the same time source.
During his research, ESR02 Stanislav Babaev got involved in the modelling of the harmonic emission of non-linear devices, the frequency response of the network components – and in particular the uncertainty of their modelling, and the simulation of the impact of multiple harmonic sources on the voltage distortion on every busbar within a distribution network. A particularly important step for achieving these goals is the measurement of these phenomena on multiple network locations at the same time. The time synchronisation of Power Quality meters is analysed both from the standpoint of waveform recording and spectrum recording. Propositions for improved harmonic modelling are based on the results of laboratory measurements and the definition of modelling uncertainty.
1st secondment
VSL, Delft, the Netherlands (06.2017 – 12.2017)
2nd secondment
Alliander N.V., the Netherlands (09.2019 – 10.2019)
The main contributions of the ESR02 research activity have been the followings:
- Answer to the Uncertainty of harmonic models of network components by processing Laboratory measurements using synchronised waveform recorders. Results: Synchronisation requirements for waveform recording, uncertainty definition of a cable model in a wider frequency range
- Answer to the Synchronised waveform recording issues by Data acquisition programming, synchronisation protocols. Results: Laboratory setup for multi-point recording
- Answer to the Harmonic emission modelling issues by Frequency domain modelling of harmonic sources. Results: Proposition for a novel frequency-domain harmonic model
- 6 papers delivered (2 journals, 4 conferences)
Thesis title
Transfer of Harmonic Distortion through Distribution Networks
- “Harmonic Source Location in the Distribution Grid Using TimeSynchronized Measurements”. S. Babaev, V. Ćuk, J.F.G. Cobben and H.E. van den Brom (International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’18)) [Repository Link:]“
- “On the limitations of harmonic modeling with measured inputs – a case study”. S. Babaev, V. Cuk, J.F.G. Cobben, H. van den Brom, G. Rietveld, A. Jongepier (2018 18th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP)) [Repository Link:]
- “Harmonic Source Location in the Distribution Grid Using Time-Synchronized Measurements”. S. Babaev, V. Cuk, J.F.G. Cobben, H.E. van den Brom (Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal) [Repository Link:]
- “Considerations on the Performance of Multi-point Synchronized Harmonic Measurement System”. Stanislav Babaev, Ravi Shankar Singh, Joseph Cobben, Vladimir Cuk, Helko Van Den Brom (2018 IEEE 9th International Workshop on Applied Measurements for Power Systems (AMPS)) [Repository Link:]
- “Online Estimation of Cable Harmonic Impedance in Low-Voltage Distribution Systems”. Stanislav Babaev, Sjef Cobben, Vladimir Cuk, Helko van den Brom (IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement) [Repository Link:]
Current position
Associate Project Manager at the heart of ABB, Delft, The Netherlands
Stanislav Babaev
Vladimir Cuk