DIAEL 2017-05-26T07:50:29+00:00


Growing out from a research project sponsored in 2006 by ‘Unión Fenosa Distribución’ (UFD) in the field of partial discharges of cable systems, DIAEL is a spin-off of the ‘Polytechnic University of Madrid’ (UPM) created in 2010 with headquarters in Madrid, specialized in measurement techniques of high technological level based on signal processing.

DIAEL is in charged to extent on line PD monitoring systems in the electrical grids using the new PD monitoring technology developed by UFD and UPM, which PTC patent was achieved in 2014 (BlueBOX Technology).

DIAEL has developed specific equipment, instruments and software on the basis of the achieved patent, for sporadic and continuous on line PD measurements applied to cable systems, power transformers, and GIS.

DIAEL has expanded its range of products and diagnosis services in the area of High Voltage testing and measuring techniques with PD instruments using BlueBOX technology, temperature measuring equipment by means of optical fibre, systems of generation and measurement of lightning impulses, etc.

BlueBOX Technology is characterized by the use of powerful numerical tools addressed to insulation diagnosis in severe operating conditions.

Participant contact: Javier Ortego


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