University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU
The Department of Communications Engineering, at the Bilbao Faculty of Engineering, is composed of 90 researchers and professors. Most of the professors with the department are PhDs.
The Department is in charge of courses belonging to Signal Processing, Communications, Computer Networks and Telematics. The Department provides the core of courses associated to the Telecommunications Engineering Master Degree. The Department also leads the PhD program in “Information Technologies and Communications in Mobile Networks – TICRM” and participates to the PhD program “Electronics and Telecommunications”.
The activity of the Department focuses on the Information Technologies. The research projects range from European to regionally funded calls, mostly in cooperation with other universities and companies from Spain and abroad.
The Signal and Communications Group (GSC in the Spanish acronym) is currently composed of 9 researchers: 5 full time PhD teachers, 2 hired PhD researchers and 2 researchers that are pursuing the PhD degree. The GSC group was firstly recognized and funded as a Stable Research Group by the UPV/EHU in 2004. It has also been recognized and funded as a Consolidated Research Group by the Basque Government since 2007, currently within the A category (the highest one). Its research area is the digital processing of low frequency signals, particularly in two domains: Digital processing of power line signals, focused on the quality of the electric power supply system and wind turbines; and Biomedical signal processing, focused on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. GSC is equipped with everything needed to study comprehensively power quality in the field and in the lab.
Participant contact: Dr. J. Julio Gutiérrez